Saturday, June 19, 2010


I really, really love my child. She is a joy in my life and there is nothing that I would not do for her. However, she has been driving me crazy this past month. She sometimes screams for no reason just to get her way. When we go out and I am getting her out of the car to go into any store, she wants to be carried and she will scream like she just got stabbed if I even placed her on the ground to walk! It makes me look like a bad mother and/or like I abuse my child. She really does not want to walk when we go out in public, but she wants to run around the house and when we go to the park. The worse thing about this is when she is with Love she does not act up. She will not cry nor will she whine. All he has to do is give her this face and she is perfectly fine. I am still trying to figure out if this a part of her personality to whine or if I just babied her too much when she was little. I guess I will fine out in due time. She may just be trying to find herself since she will be two next month. This is truly a learning experience for me!!!

1 comment:

  1. My kiddo will be 2 in September and she is the opposite. Refuses to be carried when we're out an about. Goes from 0 to tantrum in 2 seconds when you pick her up. Of course when you set her down you can't get anything done either, because she wants to go where she wants and not where we need to be going. *sigh*
