Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I think I want another tattoo.  Actually I think I want 3 more.  I am a little conflicted because I have not really researched what the Bible says about them, but many people have told me that your body is a temple and that you are not suppose to defile your body.  I believe that tattoos are beautiful and they are like earrings and necklaces.  At least that is what I think.  Love is in limbo about my additional tattoo choices and I really do not know what to think at this point.  I will pray about it some more and see if my mind will change my opinion. 

So, the latest episode of Bleach came out on yesterday and I am so mad, but excited! They really left me feeling so drained. I was on the edge of my seat the whole entire time.  I love this show so very, very much.  Something about it just makes me feel so great.  I think I may remove my facebook, but then what if I get famous or something!!!!
Bleach, can't stop watching it!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

i miss you

i feel like i never see you even though you are right there.
sometimes i feel like screaming. i can't see you.
i try to send you an email or text, but nothing.
i don't know how to figure this out.
it is driving me crazy and i think i will lose my mind.
where are you and where did you go?????!!!!
oh, there you are. i thought i lost you. i love you.
i love you. i love you. don't you know i love you.

Family Time!

It has been a minute since I have blogged. I need to get on a schedule, but sometimes I get so preoccupied with other things that I just forget what was on my schedule of things to do. I am still trying to decide if the family is going to be taking a vacation this year. I have so many things to save up for that I do not want to spend money unless really needed, but I really want need a vacation. The whole family needs a vacation with some one on one family time. I am currently in school and if I buckle down and hustle, I will be able to graduate May 2011. That is my ultimate goal right now besides paying some bills that are long overdue. Right now my favorite past time to release the stress is playing video games, working out on the wii, and watching my favorite anime Bleach. I love that show so much. I watch it religiously just as if I would watch Law and Order Criminal Intent.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

dog gone silly!!!!!

So a couple of months ago we acquired a family dog.  His name is Mugen Asif.  Before I took the plunge and moved back home with mommie, he was living with me and getting on my last nerves.  He would wake up every morning at 6am for no apparent reason even when I had already taken him out to pee.  Now that he is staying with Love full-time and I have made a bond with him that is so special that I even let him sit in my lap.  If you watch a lot of anime then you know what show Mugen is from!!!
i think i love him more now that i can get sleep
sometimes he likes to show us his special secret things :)

teach me how to dougy????!!!!!

Ok. So I was driving back from dropping off my daughter and my nephew at school and the radio was messing up so I changed it and ran across this song talking about how he was going to teach some girl how to dougy!!! What the mess is that and why would anyone want to learn how to do that? I just feel as though our music selection for young adults is going down hill.  What happen to the appreciation of Jazz or NeoSoul or Classic Hip Hop where people talked about what kind of food they ate and how hot it was outside.  Now music is just full of mess and no one really thinks about how stupid it sounds or how dumb we look as a people listening to the madness, mayhem, and foolishness. I know I will not add to the mess by listening to it or by burning any cds!

I want to go on vacation and I think I will.  It has been so hot this summer that I don't even want to go outside to get the mail.  I knew we were not going anywhere this summer because Kitty does not like heat and she will act a fool if there is no air flowing.  We have decided to take a vacation in December.  That way it is cooler and less expensive.  Hopefully the Wii Fit Plus will get me into shape so that I can get into a two piece and show off for Love!!!